Ursprungligen postat av Robban
Ursprungligen postat av Liberty Silver / Torgny Persson
Jag mottar gärna bakgrundsinformation som kan vara till nytta vid en eventuell ny prövning.
De hade ett toppmöte i Utah den 26 september.
Utah monetary summit I "
The Utah Monetary Declaration" kan vi läsa bl.a.
Punkt 3. "No government should erect barriers to the unfettered circulation of monies issued under the authority of its sovereign trading partners, including the national government of The United States of America which has no power to demonetize through disparate tax treatment, discriminatory regulation, the threat of suppression and seizure, or otherwise, gold and silver coin monetized by any constituent state pursuant to its constitutionally reserved monetary powers."
Punkt 4. "No tax liability nor any regulatory scheme promoting one form of money over another should apply to: (a) the holding of any form of money, in a financial institution or otherwise; (b) the exchange of one form of money for any other; or (c) the actual or imputed increase in the purchasing power of one form of money as compared to another."
I "
Model Legal Tender Act" kan vi läsa Kap: "
IV. Tax and Regulatory Treatment."
Punkt 1."
Regulatory and Property, Sales and Use Tax Exemptions. Neither the holding of any legal tender, in any financial institution or otherwise, nor the exchange of one form of legal tender for any other shall give rise to any tax liability whatsoever, or be subject to any statutory or regulatory scheme which creates an incentive to use one form of legal tender in preference to another."
Punkt 2. "
Limited Capital Gains Tax Exemption. No exchange of property, goods or services for any particular form of legal tender shall be subject to taxation based upon any actual or imputed increase in the purchasing power of the subject legal tender, as measured in any other form of legal tender, from the time of the subject legal tender's original acquisition to the time of its use in the subject commercial transaction."
Mvh Robban