Hej här följer dagens första rapport i ämnet från tidigare nämnd källa .( uppdaterad under dagen, vill ni spara tid läs sista länken )
http://m.allafrica.com/stories/201408170008.html/?secid=10195Bl.a. så står följande att läsa ur ovan nämna artikel .
"Nigeria: Ebola - Hope Dashed as U.S. Declares Drug Pesticide
17 August 2014 , Source: Vanguard
HOPES of immediate relief for victims of the Ebola Virus Disease following reports that doses of an experimental drug, nano-silver, had been delivered were dimmed yesterday. The United States Food and Drug Administration said the drug is a pesticide and warned those claiming that it could prevent or treat Ebola to desist from doing so.
The US agency said it had received consumer complaints about the Ebola claims. "Individuals promoting these unapproved and fraudulent products must take immediate action to correct or remove these claims or face FDA action," it said.
Silver has been used as antibacterial for centuries. Tiny silver particles known as nano-silver have controversially been incorporated into a variety of consumer products such as socks and bedding to help block odours caused by bacteria and mold"
Men även trots dessa skarpa varningar och hot så följer följande citat som visar på att de kommer att låta testa bägge preparaten ...
"Nano Silver drug
Asked if Lagos had received the experimental drug, he said: "We had that the drugs in on its way to Lagos but we are yet to take delivery of the drugs. When I go for the evening briefing, I will get a full detail on the drugs. But we have sent our pharmacist to the manufacturers of both drugs to inquire on how best to get the drugs."
Uppdatering i ämnet från samma källa från idag med .
http://m.allafrica.com/stories/201408170009.html/Dessa rader summerar frågan bäst i nämnda artikeln.
"Nigeria: Ebola - U.S. FDA Warns Over Use of Experimental Nano-Silver Drug
17 August 2014 , By Yemi Adebowale, Gboyega Akinsanmi And Paul Obi, Source: This Day
The excitement that greeted the arrival in Nigeria of Nano-silver, an experimental drug for the treatment of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease was yesterday blighted with the alarm raised by the United States Food and Drug Administration questioning the claims of the drug.
In a swift reaction, the Co-Chairman of the Treatment Research Group Committee on EVD, Professor Karniyus Gamaniel said the FDA's comment was not helpful and that Nigeria was following laid down procedures for administering experimental drugs
Also yesterday, Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State revealed that 51 of the 198 people placed on the EVD watch list had been certified negative and had been freed. Though, the FDA did not specify any products in its warning, it was obvious that it was referring to Nano silver.
This is because FDA's alarm about "products being sold online that fraudulently claim to prevent or treat Ebola," came on the heels of the statement by Health Minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu on Thursday that eight Ebola patients in Lagos would receive the experimental Nano-silver. The US FDA said it had received consumer complaints about the Ebola claims: "Individuals promoting these unapproved and fraudulent products must take immediate action to correct or remove these claims or face potential FDA action," the agency said.
Erica Jefferson, a spokeswoman for the FDA tactically said she could not provide any information about the product referenced by the Nigerians."
Senaste uppdateringen i ämnet .
http://m.allafrica.com/stories/201408170015.html/?secid=10195Intressant eller hur !
Skall bli intressant att se hur FDA tar sig ur det här !
Vi ser hur ämnet i frågan fortsätter att utvecklas under dagen som följer ...