Hej !
Det ser ut som att FDA har "köpt sig lite mer tid".
Nu är nano silver inte godkänt som ebola medicin i Nigeria längre ...
http://m.allafrica.com/stories/201408170020.html/Vi får se hur denna soppan skall sluta ?
Samtidigt så sprider sig viruset säkert snabbt i Liberia istället ...utan att veta men vem eller vilka är vinnarna efter det här ?
http://m.allafrica.com/stories/201408170038.html/?secid=10195Källa , 17 August 2014 , Source: Deutsche Welle
Konstigt hur världen har förändrats under de senaste åren ?
Minister of health Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu yesterday in a press briefing announced that the first person confirmed to have Ebola virus disease (EVD) - the female doctor who attended to Patrick Sawyer - has been declared free from the deadly disease and has been discharged from the isolation ward after following and meeting all protocol.
The minister also confirmed that the present statistics of confirmed cases of EVD in Nigeria has risen to 12, the number of deaths due to EVD is four including the index case, two health workers and the protocol officer working with ECOWAS.
The minister noted that the number of persons under surveillance in Lagos is now 189 and the number of persons under surveillance in Enugu is 6. Chukwu added that "the patients under treatment have now been moved to the new 40-bed capacity isolation ward provided by the Lagos State government and at present five of the confirmed cases of EVD have almost fully recovered".
He stated: "It would be recalled that, last Thursday, it was announced that the federal government was ready to deploy an experimental drug named Nano Silver, if it was cleared by the National Health Research Committee. Although the drug has since last Thursday been made available to the Emergency Operations Centre in Lagos, it had not been administered to any patient because we were awaiting clearance by the National Research Ethics Committee."
The minister further stated: "However, it is with great regret that I inform you that the drug did not meet the requirements of the National Health Research Ethic Code. Accordingly, approval of its use has been withheld by the National Health Research Ethics Committee."
Är det inte konstigt att dödligheten är ca 90% på andra platser men de senaste 6 fallen av 12 är nu nästan utan syntom, efter behandling i Lagos Nigeria ...samtidig som nano silver inte skall användas framöver ...