Här är en skön video att se medan man sitter och bygger små hus av sina silvermynt.
"There simply isn't enough physical silver to deal with the demand of a fiat currency crisis. As the paper silver market pushes prices down, all hell will break loose in the physical market.
To put it simply, it is getting harder and harder to mine silver, taking more time and energy, both human and liquid, in order to get silver out of the ground. Right now for every ten ounces of silver mined the world is mining one ounce of gold. Gold, however, is trading 53 times higher than silver. The opportunity in silver is epic. The paper price suppression has made silver the biggest buy ever.
Silver, a physical commodity that is needed for everyday uses, is being traded on the Comex at least a hundred times more than the actual physical supply. This has made it possible for a billion ounces of silver to be traded every single day in the paper markets.
The supply of silver has been distorted and investors have been deceived into selling silver for $30 per ounce.
FutureMoneyTrends.com believes the suppression has become a gift for the average person to finally strike back at the heart of the machine that has benefited from the fiat currency system."
USAs silvertillgångar har sinat rejält, det mesta verkar ha blivit utvunnet. Silver blir över hela världen i likhet med oljan svårare och svårare att komma åt. Industrins förbrukning har skenat i höjden, men det kan ändras om vi får en global finanskris som får hjulen att stanna. Manipulationen av papperspriset är ett gyllene tillfälle för vanligt folk att bunkra upp med silver.
Jaja, inga direkta nyheter för den som följer med i ädelmetallvärlden men klippet är sevärt ändå.