Venezuela slaktar den egna valutan Det globala valutakriget fick sig just en steroidinjektion när Venezuela igår kväll slaktade den egna valutan rakt av genom att devalvera med 46% mot dollarn. De Venezuelainnevånare som hade en del av sitt kapital i guld och silver är nog väldigt glada att de tagit det steget...
Kommentar på Zero Hedge:
"And that, ladies and gents of Caracas, is how you just lost 46% of your purchasing power, unless of course your fiat was in gold and silver, which just jumped by about 46%. And, in case there is confusion, this is in process, and coming soon to every "developed world" banana republic near you."
Venezuela Devalues Its Currency
"Venezuela just undertook a massive currency devaluation, re-pegging the bolivar to a value of 6.3 per U.S. dollar from its previous official exchange rate of 4.3 bolivars per dollar.
The government also announced that it would shutter the Venezuelan currency exchange system known as SITME.
Given the currency devaluation underway in other economies around the world right now – perhaps most notably in Japan – a few are calling this Venezuela's foray into the global "currency war" between countries trying to devalue their currencies in order to increase export competitiveness." Upplagd av Scoris kl. lördag, februari 09, 2013 6 kommentarer .